God’s love language is obedience. We see this in John 14:15. If we love God we will keep His commands. Speaking God’s love language of obedience takes commitment and discipline.
It takes a fight for us to see truth and act on it. It is an all out war for us to have an eternal focus and do the right thing on a regular basis. Commitment, obedience, and discipline don’t happen without regular fights. We have to fight for commitment and obedience.
It is so important for us to be wildly disciplined as we seek for truth. When I was in college a wildly disciplined man named Harve Schmucker got my attention and challenged me to memorize 2 Tim. 1:7. “For God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity but a spirit of power, love, and self discipline.” As I memorized this passage I could tell a HUGE difference between me living for Christ on my own and me submitting to the Spirit of God and living the wildly disciplined life filled with God’s Spirit of power, love, and self discipline.
(I googled Harve Schmucker for a pic to share. This is what I found. Maybe Have’s dad or grandpa.)