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Trusting God in the Wilderness (2019 Fall Partner Drive 1/8)

Writer's picture: Shawn AmmonsShawn Ammons

By Jed Marquardt


This year we wanted to highlight some stories and testimonies from the D-Team, Servant Team, and Adult Leadership Team at EKC. This post is the first of eight in this year's giving drive as a part of the upcoming Giving Tuesday holiday. If you would like to further partner with us, you can find the information below. Enjoy this testimony about trusting God by one of our D-Team apprentices, Jed Marquardt: - Shawn 

  The biggest takeaway of this past year was about trusting God when you’re in the middle of the wilderness.  A wilderness experience is something that is a very difficult experience. It can be anything from a traumatic event and the effects of that event, to just having a hard time. It can be a difficult time, or a literal time in the wilderness.

One example of a wilderness experience in the Bible is found in Deuteronomy 8:1-10. This passage talks about how the LORD lead the nation of Israel into the wilderness for forty years. In this passage, the Bible tells us why God had the Israelites go through this wilderness experience. In Verse 2, it says “And you shall remember the whole way that the LORD your God has led you into the wilderness, that He might humble you, testing to see what was in your heart, whether you would keep his commandments or not. And He humbled you and let you hunger and you with mana, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD,” (ESV).

According to this passage, God leads us into wilderness experiences to humble us, test our hearts, and to see if we walk in obedience. The wilderness is very difficult, and when you’re in it, it can feel like God has left you. Although it can seem like you are totally alone, God is with you. He loves you and He is using this wilderness experience to help you grow. Going back to the Deuteronomy passage, in verse 7 it says, “For the LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing out in the valleys and hills.” 

The wilderness doesn’t stretch out forever. God has led you into it, and He will also lead you out of it. Keep trusting God. He is God no matter where you are, in the wilderness or on top of a mountain. This past year really helped me understand why some events in my life happened the way they did, and looking back on them, I saw God’s hand in every single major struggle of my life.

During this Fall Partner Drive, please pray for us to raise $7500 and 25 new Prayer Partners

Here are a few different ways to get involved:

Prayer Support: 

Click this link if you would like to be added to our Monthly Prayer Partner newsletter:

Financial Support - Here are a few ways to give: 

By Text: Text the word Disciplemaking to 41444

By Mail - Make checks payable to:

InFaith 145 John Robert Thomas Drive Exton, PA 19341

Include a note saying you are supporting Shawn and Cheryl Ammons.

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