After praying all night and listening to his Father, Jesus called a few men to be with him. His invitation to spend time together was intentional. Jesus spent time investing in those his Father prompted him to call. He did this so he could send them out. John tells us that Jesus spent time with them in chapter 3 verse 22. The original text where Jesus spent time with them literally means to “rub off on.” Jesus rubbed off on those that followed him. Pray, listen, invest, rub off Jesus, and send out. A shorter word for this is disciplemaking. If you fast forward church history you find you and me. We are part of this pray, listen, invest, send out, plan of God.
After time in prayer eight years ago the Lord prompted my wife and I to invest in Callie Jackson. We did this in school and sports. We recruited Callie to serve with us at Camp for a month long Disciplemaking Internship. We recruited her to serve with us in South America. It has been a joy to play a small part in God’s BIG plan for Callie’s life. Our investment in Callie was promoted by the Lord and we had no intentions to have her as a daughter-in-law. However, God miraculously put Kramer and Callie together to have a Disciplemaking marriage. Callie and Kramer work together to minister to people online. The link below is en encouraging message from Callie.
You can check Kramer and Callie’s site at
It is amazing to see God at work in the lives of those who have been intentionally invested in and sent out.
Who is on the natural path of your life that God is asking you to invest in?
If this question creates anxiety in you consider getting some Time Management Coaching, you may be too busy to invest in others.
Anxiety may also come from you not knowing how or what to do to invest in someone. If you are willing to invest in someone but have not seen this modeled for you email and let us know you would like some coaching. We can help you connect with some in person and online coaching that would be very life transforming for you.