Please Forgive Us!
Many people live with fear, guilt, and shame when it comes to the topic of advancing the Gospel. Well meaning pastors and church leaders have accidentally placed fear, guilt, and shame on those under their care. This has been done unintentionally. The focus should be on receiving God’s grace through faith and helping others do the same as a way of life. Instead, all sorts of things happen that induces fear, guilt, and shame. Please forgive…
Pray earnestly for Jesus’ heart for the lost.
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” — Luke 19:10 Jesus was full of grace and truth as he daily obeyed his Father’s plan for his life. Jesus heart for the lost was full of grace and truth. Pray asking God to give you his heart for the lost. Pray forgiving anyone that may have accidentally lead you down a path of fear, guilt, or shame in this area of your spiritual life. We have so much to be thankful for. Jesus not only saved us, he has redeemed us, and set us free and more…
Pray earnestly to the Lord to send out workers into the harvest fields.
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest fields.” —Luke 10:1,2
Most of us pray earnestly when out of control just before a car accident or when a loved one is deathly ill. Once we have God’s heart for the lost it is the cry of our heart and normal to pray earnestly for workers to be raised up and sent out into the harvest fields. Cheryl and I responded to the Gospel ministry years ago because of a call to ministry but it was more than that. We responded as well because we remember being lost in our own sin. We embraced the truth that God demonstrated his love for us while we were sinners and died on the cross to forgive us of our sins. Jesus not only died, he rose from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father. It is the growing understanding that we have that spurs us to pray for workers to be raised up to go into the harvest fields. This year we are excited to celebrate 30 years of paid Youth Ministry. It is a joy to see hundreds of workers in the harvest fields from past years of spiritual investment. We are challenged in Scripture to be disciples who make disciples who make disciples as a way of life. We recently took a step of faith to be missionaries for a ministry called InFaith.
Please pray for us as we seek to recruit partners 500 Gospel Partners, 250 Prayer Partners, and 100 Financial Partners. Partner Progress - Gospel Partner Goal 500 - Prayer 213 of 250 - Financial 17 of 100.
We are challenged in 1 John 2:6 to walk as Jesus walked. As we walk in obedience each day choosing right vs. wrong, people will start to see Jesus in us. A policeman drove up to our home a few days ago. I could tell he was in a little bit of a hurry as he stopped and paced to our front door. Because of my observation I met him outside to find out that a ten year old boy had cracked his head open at the local pool. His mom was working out of town and the medical professionals and police asked this boy who he knew that was in town. He said, “The man that lives in the old white house with ten mailboxes in front of it with a trampoline……. he will take care of me.” We have not lived here very long, but we have lived here in Conway Springs long enough for this young fellow to consider me a father he does not have. Pray for Bryce to come to salvation in Jesus. Pray for our family to shine the light of Jesus to this young man and his mom.