When I think of peace I think of a calm, rainy, relaxing day, where all my obligations and responsibilities have been completed. I think true peace will come when my life is in order and under my control. It is for this peace that I have worked for, but it always feels just out of reach.
God has been showing me recently that this peace that is based on my situation is not real peace. No matter how much comfort or control I have in life, my heart cannot be at rest without Christ. As I have wrestled through another uncomfortable change in my life at college, this has become increasingly evident to me. True peace comes from Christ.
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
Collosians 3:15
If I want any joy, satisfaction, or rest, the peace of Christ must rule in my heart. It is easy to miss all of the things that fight for this rule over our hearts. Whether it be stress or guilt or fear, our hearts are a battleground that Christ wants victory over. Whatever it may be, join me in identifying what has been ruling our hearts, and submitting it to the peace-full kingship of Jesus.
Justin Brown
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Here are a few different ways to get involved:
Prayer Support:
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Financial Support - Here are a few ways to give:
By Text: Text the word Disciplemaking to 41444
By Mail - Make checks payable to:
145 John Robert Thomas Drive
Exton, PA 19341
Include a note saying you are supporting Shawn and Cheryl Ammons.