“The Holy Spirit will come on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the world.” — Acts 1:8
In the picture above you see our guide to the left and Sonlife’s Executive Director holding the map. Our guide is explaining geographic details to help our experience come to life. It was an absolute hook for my heart to sit on the same high places, pray in the same garden, float on the same lake, and walk on the same roads as Jesus. As I learned more of the Jewish culture and the Roman influence certain passages popped with meaning and personal life application.
Jesus said he had to leave so one great than he could come. He was referring to the third person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit. While we toured Israel and studied the chronological timeline of Jesus I kept seeing the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus. That was so cool for me to see. It was special to be on the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended. Our group went to a place in the old city of Jerusalem where Pentecost could have taken place. We reviewed the Scripture and spent some time in prayer trying to picture all of the different people there. We tried to relate with the disciples who were grieving Jesus leaving, potentially confused, and anticipating the coming of the Advocate.
What is your relationship like with the Holy Spirit? Christians are so blessed to have the Holy Spirit live inside of them. The Holy Spirit comforts, convicts, reminds, equips, councils, and more.
As I came home I renewed my relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Join our family as we allow the Holy Spirit to make us witnesses in our neighborhood, city, surrounding cities, and other parts of our world.