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  • Writer's pictureShawn Ammons

In As Much As You Have Done Unto the Least of These

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, in as much as you have done unto the least of these my brothers, you have done unto me.’                    -- Matthew 25:40 In this passage, Jesus is saying that the way we treat the least of these is how we are ultimately treating Him. So, when we think of how Jesus should be treated, we are to do that for the those around us.  First, we must define and be aware of who the "least of these" are around us. I encourage us all to pray and process through who this may be in our lives. Let's ask God to open our eyes and help us to be better aware of those around us in need. It is not always the first thing we think about, especially when we are facing challenges of our own, but let us all work on intentionally seeing the least of these around us. Who on our natural path of life is in need? Who is struggling? Who is hurting? Once God opens our eyes and we are aware of those in need around us, then we must remember the words of Jesus, "in as much as you have done unto the least of these my brothers, you have done unto me." 


We have recently been blessed with an opportunity to give to some people in need. Someone has generously donated $2,000 for the purpose of buying and giving meat to families who may be in need of it. PRAISE GOD!  Our job is to connect this meat with those who need it. If you know of ANYONE who may benefit from some extra meat during this season, please contact us, and we will help you pass on God's blessing.  To be a part of Operation Hope: - Call/text Shawn at 316-650-0446 or email

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