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  • Writer's pictureShawn Ammons

Aligning with our Mission

The “peaceful pathway” includes three BOLD moves. They are: - RECALIBRATE - ALIGN  - ACT

As we continue the Peaceful Pathway process, we continue to work on (1) Being Still in Prayer, (2) Listening in Prayer, (3) Evaluating in Prayer, and really practicing faithfulness. We must fight to be in the presence of Jesus, allowing His PEACE to fill us as we walk as Jesus did 1 John 2:6. From that foundation, we are able to progress further into the bold move of ALIGNMENT.

In the last video blog, we talked about being in alignment with our VALUES, and how to discover your life values by identifying what OFFENDS YOU and flipping that over to find out what you VALUE. The challenge with this is to identify 2-4 values, and then make sure that you are living in ALIGNMENT with them. 

Now, we want to build on that by moving toward alignment with MISSION.

As we move toward MISSION, we are reminded of The Great Commission In Matthew 28:18-20. In this passage, Jesus says to His Disciples,..

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciple of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 

As we think about what our MISSION is, this passage reminds us that we are mandated to be a FOLLOWER OF JESUS. We do this everywhere and all of the time OR as we are GOING throughout life (see Deut. 6:1-9), we do this by finding our IDENTITY IN CHRIST (see Phil. 1:21) and we do this by WALKING IN OBEDIENCE.

If you don't already have a mission statement, here are a couple suggestions of what to do...

1. Craft one of your own using the points above.

2. Find out what  your local church's mission statement is and align to it. 

Once we have a MISSION statement, it is vital for us to make sure that our MOTIVES are pure as we seek ALIGNMENT. As you pray each day, listen to the Holy Spirit for a motives check. Discuss this with your accountability partner as well. Alignment will be incomplete if our motives are not pure. 

I pray for you to have peace in this process of seeking to be in ALIGNMENT with the VALUES and the MISSION.

We continue to pray for specific prayer request you send our way on Sunday mornings. Please send your specific prayer requests to 

God is in control, and with His help, WE WILL get through this.

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