The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. — Proverbs 4:18
(pic of winter sunrise in KS)
Praise God for the unity He creates.
Praise God for ministry opportunities.
Praise God for the Team from West EFC in Wichita, who are going to Camp Cutteru in April to paint and build bunk beds for the cabins.

This past month has been filled with school, basketball, and extremely cold winter weather. Kaz’s team won the KCAC. (see pic) He is blessed to be on a team that puts Christ’s first. Cheryl and Shawn were able to make some quick trips to see some friends and family. Cheryl was able to meet up with her friend Gayle in Nebraska for a few days. Shawn was able to visit Kodi in TX and experience a day with her at Lifestyle Christianity University while traveling for work. Family are a gift from God. Being with our grown children on their turf is always special. Doing taxes with our children is also special.

Shawn was blessed to meet with some of the cabin building team from Tyler, TX. Camp Cutteru hopes to have them back in 2020. Camp Cutteru cabins will take the next step towards completion in March and April. In March the inside walls and ceilings will get painted and flooring will be put in. In April a mission team is coming from West EFC to paint the outside of each cabin and build bunk beds. We are starting to receive applications for Extreme summer camp Interns as well as Japan short-term missions. This next month will be filled with interviews to complete these teams. Shawn received a weekend training from the Wilderness Ministry Institute and was really encouraged and challenged and caught a pic of a lynx.
Prayer Requests
Pray for us to be catalyst for unity in the body of Christ, especially in many crisis opportunities in marriages and families.
Pray for us to say “no” & “yes” when we should. Jesus said he only did what His Father told him to do and we would like Jesus.
Pray specifically for the final 25% of our financial support through InFaith to come in. (see financial update)
Pray for the Holy Spirit led assembly of our summer camp Interns as we make plans for summer.
Pray for three separate disciplemaking cohorts that Shawn leads each month.
Financial Update
When we started with InFaith God blessed us with a special transition gift to use as surplus while raising support. The surplus fund just ran out. In 2018 we were blessed with 38 different supporters giving 236 total donations. We have taken intentional steps to move towards full support. We were encouraged to transition from our high cost group insurance to a better option. We took that advice and joined Samaritan Ministries. This transition will save thousands and has helped us move one step closer to our goal. We are continuing to look for ways to cut our budget and make sacrifices if necessary. Please pray for our children to learn how to trust the Lord as Jehovah Jireh along with us.
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