“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40
It is easy to get caught up in the busy life that our situation seems to require of us. Even if we are out, coming in contact with many different people, it is easy to pass them as we move towards the next task in our busy day. As you will see in the video above, I had the opportunity to gain a new perspective and be the stranger that you see walking along the road. Wether it is a man hauling a gas can down the road, or a woman trying to keep track of two kids and a full cart at Walmart, we have many opportunities to be a light through both our prayers and our actions.
In the verse above, Jesus is clearly stating the importance in how we treat the least among us. Jesus does not leave us room for ulterior motive here. He sees the health of our heart by how we treat those who have nothing to give in return. How we serve those who will give us no status or physical reward reveals how we actually feel about our Savior.
Be watchful with me this coming week as we live and interact with others. Lets be quick to pray for the stranded and show love with our actions to those who are in need, no matter who they are.